This PG-13 show was one night only, May 4, 2019, 7:30pm at The Cary Theater (122 E Chatham St, Cary, NC 27511 – see here for parking info, etc). Here’s the Facebook event. PHOTOS! VIDEO! And, a review.
This year’s theme: “Sci-fi / Twilight Zone / Star Wars”!
Questions? Ask the producer Thom Haynes
Watch 10 short (less than 3 minute) new-and-original plays, directed by the North Carolina writers! A talented ensemble of actors, scripts in hand, perform with minimal set, props and costuming. Then YOU vote for your top six! During intermission votes are tallied, then in Act 2 watch the second short plays by the six playwrights who made it out of round one. Finally, YOU vote for the winner, who gets $100! (You get to watch the final 4 plays while votes are tallied.)
The lovely Cary Theater (122 E Chatham St, Cary NC) provides an up-close-and-personal venue, with the lobby coffeehouse ‘Brew’ serving up delicious sandwiches, snacks and whistle-wetters. Tickets are $13 ($11 for seniors, students and vets) plus tax.
This will be a high-energy hot mess of an evening, with loads of crazy fun and organized chaos. The directors and actors will join you in the audience, to also watch and laugh as their fellow artists perform.
Cosplay in your Star Wars gear (optional).
WRITER/DIRECTORS: 10 (out of 29 submissions)
Doug Simpson
Eric Weil
Jack J. Berry
John Paul Middlesworth
Patrick Raynor
Rishi Chowdhary
Stephanie Watson
Stephen Bydal
Tom Reilly
Tony Bowman
ACTORS: 15 (out of 32 enquiries)
Amy Lloyd
Chris Berg
Denise Sepic
Edith Berry
Gerald Rubin
Jeff Nugent
Lucia Foster
Michael Bacigalupo
Moon Eldridge
Pimpila Violette
Rachel Kasten
Rebecca Graham
Sarianna Gregg
Simon Kaplan
Stephanie Turner
Each person will be in 3-4 of the 20 plays. 55 roles!
8 of the 10 writers ended up being male (gender wasn’t a selection factor). I am pleased that 10 of the 15 actors are female.
Producer: (co-produced with the Town of Cary)
Stage Manager: Doug Paterson