The producers introduced the completed videos LIVE on Facebook at the CPF page on May 5 at 7:30pm! At 8pm there was a live Watch Party for all the videos, allowing viewers to comments interactively with each others. You can watch the Watch Party later, pausing as you go, and still read others’ comments and make your own.
Links to the videos are also available on this web page (see titles below). The videos are available from the CPF YouTube channel individually and as a playlist.
The final staged readings of 6 more plays from the Bar Plays 5.0 script selection process! A FREE event (no donations), with a chance to provide feedback to the writers.
Unfortunately we won’t be performing at Fortnight this time 🙁
“Case in Point“, by Keith A. Kenel, directed and narrated by Keith Kenel, actors Stephanie Turner, Kurt Benrud, Stephanie C. Simon, Joe Campo
“Help Me Get Over You“, by Rollin Jewett, directed and narrated by Germôna Sharp, actors Thom Haynes, Freyja Helmer-Sindemark
“Stewart Saves Ted and Mary a Phone Call“, by John Paul Middlesworth, directed and narrated by Thom Haynes, actors Benji Jones, John Middlesworth, Gerald Rubin, Ellie Torre
“The Tag“, by Eric Weil, directed and narrated by Kurt Benrud, actors Sarianna Gregg, Dee Penven-Crew, Scott Renz, Ken Walsh
“The Wingmen“, by Scott Renz, directed and narrated by Sean Brosnahan, actors Stephanie Turner, Benji Jones, Keith Kenel, David Klionsky
“Umbilical“, by Amy Lloyd, directed and narrated by Alice Osborn, actors Joanna La Forgia, Dylan Bailey, Amy Murphy
If you want to read any of the plays beforehand, or read them DURING the readings, or after (for a few days), you once could’ve accessed them here (that permission has been rescinded).
And here’s the Facebook event for 5.3.
See Bar Plays 5.0 for info on the Nov 2019 show, Bar Plays 5.1 for info on the Jan 2020 show, and Bar Plays 5.2 for info on the Mar 2020 show.
Producers: Thom Haynes & Kurt Benrud